Telephone numbers in Samoa



National Significant Numbers (NSN): :Minimum number length (excluding the country code): three digits :Maximum number length (excluding the country code): seven digits Format: +685 XX XXX or +685 XX XX XX or +685 XXX XXXX

Numbering allocation in Samoa

Number range allocation in Samoa is as follows:

See also

Telecommunications in Samoa Telecommunications systems in Samoa include telephone, radio, television and internet. In 2009, the Samoa-American Samoa (SAS) Cable provided inter-island communication, as well as enabling users in Samoa to access the ASH cable capacity and conne ...


Samoa Samoa, officially the Independent State of Samoa; sm, Sāmoa, and until 1997 known as Western Samoa, is a Polynesian island country consisting of two main islands ( Savai'i and Upolu); two smaller, inhabited islands ( Manono and Apolima); ...
Communications in Samoa {{Telephonenumber-stub