EU Commissioner for Agriculture



The Commissioner for Agriculture is a member of the European Commission. The post is currently held by Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski. The post is in charge of rural issues including most notably the controversial Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which represents 44% of the European Union Budget, EU budget. They also participate in meetings of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Agrifish) configuration of the Council of the European Union.

List of commissioners

See also

* Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Council of the European Union) * Common Agricultural Policy * Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development * Directorate-General for Agriculture, Fisheries, Social Affairs and Health * Doha Development Round * European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development * Geographical indications and traditional specialities in the European Union * Land allocation decision support system * Single Payment Scheme


External links

Commissioner's website

{{CommissionPortfolios European Union and agriculture Portfolios in the European Commission, Agriculture and Rural Development