359 (number)



359 (three hundred [and] fifty-nine) is the natural number following 358 (number), 358 and preceding 360 (number), 360. 359 is the 72nd prime number.

In mathematics

359 is a Sophie Germain prime: 2(359)+1=700 (number), 719 (also a Sophie Germain prime.) It is also a safe prime, because subtracting 1 and halving it gives another prime number (179). Since the reversal of it's digits gives 953, which is prime, it is also an emirp.

In telephony

359 is also the international calling code for Bulgaria. When calling from outside the country +359 must be dialled before the local code, leaving out the first zero (0).

In other fields

* Official number of casualties of the Beslan school hostage crisis. * According to the author Douglas Adams, 359 is the funniest three-digit number.M. J. Simpson, Simpson, M. J. (2005-04-29)
Hitchhiker: A Biography of Douglas Adams
Justin, Charles & Co. . Read 2015-12-06
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