272 (number)



272 (two hundred [and] seventy-two) is the natural number after and before .


272 is a composite number, with divisors 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 17, 34, 68, 136, and 272. It can be expressed as the sum of four consecutive prime numbers: 61, 67, 71, and 73. It is a palindromic number in Decimal, base 10.

In Other Fields

272 is also: * The number assigned to a minor planet, 272 Antonia, Asteroid 272 Antonia. * An Area codes 570 and 272, area code in northeastern Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA. It covers regions including the city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Scranton. * The year 272, AD 272 or 272 BC. * The number 272 is associated with a notable event in American history, as it represents the 272 enslaved individuals who were sold in 1838 by the Jesuit leaders of Georgetown University, an incident detailed in Rachel L. Swarns's book ''The 272''.


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