

is a Japanese
wrestler Wrestling is a series of combat sports involving grappling-type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws and takedowns, joint locks, pins and other grappling holds. Wrestling techniques have been incorporated into martial arts, combat sports ...
. He competed in the men's Greco-Roman 68 kg at the
1976 Summer Olympics Events January * January 3 – The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights enters into force. * January 5 – The Pol Pot regime proclaims a new constitution for Democratic Kampuchea. * January 11 – The 1976 Phil ...


External links

* 1948 births Living people Japanese male sport wrestlers Olympic wrestlers of Japan Wrestlers at the 1976 Summer Olympics Sportspeople from Hiroshima Wrestlers at the 1974 Asian Games Asian Games competitors for Japan 20th-century Japanese people 21st-century Japanese people {{Japan-wrestling-bio-stub