

Ray Laurence is professor of ancient history at Macquarie University. He has won the Routledge Ancient History Prize for his first book ''Roman Pompeii: Space and Society'', and the Longman-History Today New Generation Prize for his book ''Pompeii: The Living City''.

Selected publications

*''Roman Pompeii: Space and Society'' (1996) *''Pompeii: The Living City'' (2006) *''Growing Up and Growing Old in Ancient Rome'' (2001) *''The Roads of Roman Italy: Mobility and Cultural Change'' (2011) *''Roman Archaeology for Historians'' (2012) *''Rome, Ostia, Pompeii: Movement and Space'' (2012) *''The City in the Roman West'' (2011)


Living people Year of birth missing (living people) Macquarie University faculty Alumni of the University of Wales Alumni of Newcastle University {{Australia-academic-bio-stub