

''Quercus gemelliflora'' is a tree species in the beech family
Fagaceae The Fagaceae are a family of flowering plants that includes beeches, chestnuts and oaks, and comprises eight genera with about 927 species. Fagaceae in temperate regions are mostly deciduous, whereas in the tropics, many species occur as ever ...
. there are no known subspecies. It is placed in subgenus ''Cerris'', section ''Cyclobalanopsis'' (the ring-cupped oaks). It has been recorded from Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam (where it may be called ''sồi song sanh''). The tree, grows from 15–30 m tall.Phạm Hoàng Hộ (2003) ''Cây Cỏ Việt Nam: an Illustrated Flora of Vietnam'' vol. II publ. Nhà Xuẩt Bản Trẻ, HCMC, VN


Blume, 1825 ''In: Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunsten 9: 222''

External links

Plantes & botanique: ''Quercus gemelliflora''
(Fr.: accessed 12/7/2017). {{Taxonbar, from=Q6324270 gemelliflora Flora of Indo-China Flora of Malesia Trees of Vietnam Flora of Peninsular Malaysia Trees of Borneo Flora of Sumatra Flora of the Borneo montane rain forests